Companies of the Group
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The Paoletti Group
Socesfin Srl is the multi-sector Holding Company of the Paoletti Group, which operates in various business areas at national and international.
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Structure of the company
The Group extends its control over three corporate levels and represents an overall entrepreneurial reality that includes over 60 companies.
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The main numerical indicators of the Paoletti Group in the three-year period 2019-2021 highlight the data of a growing reality.
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Business Areas
Consolidated presence in different business areas for a continuous diversification of activities.
Sustainable development
The Group, through its companies, mainly contributed to the achievement of the following goals.
Geographical Distribution
The companies of the group are located in different areas of the world. Here map of hotspots with details.
Charter of values
Well-identified values and foundations become a point of reference for companies.
Companies of the Group
Primary sector
The Paoletti Group has been active in the agricultural and livestock sectors since the 1980s, mainly in Italy and Argentina.
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Secondary Sector
Socesfin has been active in the secondary sector since the mid-nineties, following the acquisition of 45% of the share package of Solmar S.p.A.
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Tertiary sector
The Group’s entrepreneurial path in the world of services began in the 1960s in the transport sector.
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The CON.GE.S consortium
The Group has in its DNA the innate attitude to always explore new markets and new business opportunities
Social Performance
As of 31/12/2021 the number of employees of the companies directly owned and controlled totalled 2442 units
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Environmental Performance
Occupational safety of employees by the Paoletti Group represents one of the primary objectives.
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Economic and Financial Performance
Economic and financial highlights of Paoletti Group.
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Primary sector
Secondary Sector
Tertiary sector
Primary sector
Secondary Sector
Tertiary sector
The Paoletti Group
Structure of the company
Business Areas
Sustainable development
Geographical Distribution
Charter of values
Companies of the Group
Primary sector
Secondary Sector
Tertiary sector
The CON.GE.S consortium
Social Performance
Environmental Performance
Economic and Financial Performance
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