
Well-identified values and foundations become a point of reference for companies to guide individual choices and ensure their adherence to the overall strategies of the Group.


By virtue of the diversification of its business areas, the Paoletti Group considers it essential to outline a series of clear and defined values and foundations on which the strategies and growth paths of individual companies must be based.
This need has led to the identification of some strategic and behavioural guidelines, which are considered essential to ensure coordinated as well as sustainable development for all areas of the Group.

In a reality that is also geographically diversified, our values are the common line of conduct for all the companies in the Group, they represent their identity and are the foundation of that corporate culture that guides us to achieve our goals.
Furthermore, the sharing of the same founding values, strengthened by the recent creation of two sectoral Subholding Companies, helps to make each company feel part of the same shared reality and consequently to transmit the distinctive traits and corporate culture of the Paoletti Group to the outside world.

By virtue of the diversification of its business areas, the Paoletti Group considers it essential to outline a series of clear and defined values and foundations on which the strategies and growth paths of individual companies must be based.
This need has led to the identification of some strategic and behavioural guidelines, which are considered essential to ensure coordinated as well as sustainable development for all areas of the Group.

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The Mission of the Paoletti Group is to consolidate the satisfaction of its stakeholders in the different reference markets, always placing itself as a serious, reliable partner able to offer services and products capable of combining innovation, safety, and sustainability.

We believe in a responsible and sustainable development model, in compliance with rights and rules, oriented towards the development of our human resources, safety in the workplace and safeguarding the ecosystem.

The Group is constantly committed to reducing waste and optimising resources, improving efficiency to protect the environment, reducing the impact of its business on the surrounding ecosystem and the growing commitment of all Subholding Companies in the production of energy from renewable sources. We make a bet every day in enhancing individual resources and encouraging Group work dynamics, certain that great results can be achieved by increasing the skills of the individual and putting them into a system, thus combining individual initiatives and teamwork, nurturing a virtuous dynamics in which each member contributes to the achievement of corporate objectives, just as each company contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Group.

We believe in the continuous improvement of skills and in the search for innovative solutions capable of guaranteeing a high quality level of products and services. We pay great attention to the analytical evaluation of individual activities, so that professional skills are verified in the light of the results obtained and continuously improved, maximising not only the reliability, but also the value of the services provided. We are open to new challenges daily, always questioning our modus operandi and habits acquired, in the continuous search for best practices through which we can improve the efficiency and profitability of our business units.

Moral integrity is the basis of our daily work and represents an essential requirement, applicable and valid for all contexts and in all areas in which our companies operate. At the basis of everyone’s work there is therefore compliance with commitments, loyalty, fairness, and responsibility towards all stakeholders.

We believe in a responsible and sustainable development model, in compliance with rights and rules, oriented towards the development of our human resources, safety in the workplace and safeguarding the ecosystem.

The Group is constantly committed to reducing waste and optimising resources, improving efficiency to protect the environment, reducing the impact of its business on the surrounding ecosystem and the growing commitment of all Subholding Companies in the production of energy from renewable sources. We make a bet every day in enhancing individual resources and encouraging Group work dynamics, certain that great results can be achieved by increasing the skills of the individual and putting them into a system, thus combining individual initiatives and teamwork, nurturing a virtuous dynamics in which each member contributes to the achievement of corporate objectives, just as each company contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Group.

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Lun-Ven: 9.00-18.00+(39) 06 656831

    Lun-Ven: 9.00-18.00+(39) 06 656831