Target 2.4 — By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems to implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality.
The Paoletti Group has been operating in the agricultural and livestock sector for over forty years mainly in Italy and Argentina, with an approach aimed at safeguarding and respecting the environment and the territories in which it operates. Applied technology, modern management systems, and the evolution of genetic research, applied in particular to the agricultural sector, are the tools that the Group, through the Subolding Company Paoletti Agro, places at the centre of its strategies, aimed at preserving and enhancing peculiarities and natural characteristics of the individual territories, increasing the quantities produced and quality standards in a sustainable way.

Target 4.7 — By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including through education aimed at sustainable development and lifestyle.
The Paoletti Group, in particular through the companies operating in the Ecology field, is engaged in training and environmental education aimed at schools of all levels. The goal is to form new ecological consciences and accustom the new generations to best practices related to separate waste collection and ecosystem protection. The commitment did not fail even during the pandemic in which, thanks to the use of technology, all training activities were converted into “distance learning”, through the activation of “virtual classrooms” on the web platform. During 2021, the training activities of the companies belonging to the Paoletti Group involved over 16,000 students. Moreover, through the Rifiutour project, the Group took both students and teachers to visit the recovery plants, to see with their own eyes the entire recycling chain as well as the importance of proper separate collection. Also in the Chemical sector, the Group has shown full awareness of the central role of schools in initiating a path of sustainable growth and with the aim of building a link with production companies, helping to combat the precariousness of the world of work. Precisely with this in mind, among other things, the Group is committed to organising guided tours to the plants for school groups, with the aim of bringing children and young people closer to Chemistry, a science and an industry that play a central role in the country’s development policies.

Target 7.2 — Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030.
Since 2009, the Paoletti Group has embarked on a development journey in the sector connected to the production of energy from renewable sources, which is considered an essential element to contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency, in order to increase autonomy and productive competitiveness and to concretely contribute to the safeguarding of the environment with a view to sustainable development. Over the last three years, this process has led to the production of over 52 million KWh from photovoltaic systems, biomass, and bioliquids as well as about 330 million KWh of Carbon Free energy from heat recovery. This energy production is used for self-consumption as part of the different production processes or fed into the network.

Target 8.2 — Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation, including through a focus on highvalue added and labour-intensive sectors.
Target 8.5 — By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.
In its growth path, the Paoletti Group has always pursued a strategy aimed at diversifying its activities by extending the company skills and consequently those of its employees from time to time, supporting their business with the most advanced technological and management solutions. Thanks to this strategy, today the group operates in 9 different business areas. The Paoletti Group is also committed to encouraging the entry of young people into the world of work also through the enhancement of the school-work link and to favouring the rapid stabilisation of contractual relationships, while at the same time ensuring that the experience in the workplace can be a gratifying moment, favouring integration and collaboration as well as providing tools and procedures to carry out daily activities in the best possible way and in a safe manner.

Target 11.6 — Reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management.

Target 12.2 — By 2030 achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Target 12.5 — By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
Ecology and Integrated Waste Management, both municipal and industrial, represent one of the main business areas for the Paoletti Group in which it operates through various companies belonging to the Paoletti Ambiente and Solmar Subholding Companies. In this context, over these last three years, the Group has undertaken a series of actions aimed at reducing the environmental impact associated with waste management, in particular leading to the completion of major adaptation works of its plants through the use of the best available techniques (B.A.T.) also aimed at safeguarding and protecting the ecosystem in which the plants are located. In particular, at the Ponte Rio plant, since it is located in a valley at the foot of the historic centre of Perugia, Gesenu has paid great attention to the protection of the surrounding environment by providing for the use of the most advanced technologies to contain emissions and odours both in the unloading phases of the vehicles, through a system of quick-packing doors, as well as two washing towers and a biofilter, thanks to which it is possible to treat up to 60,000 Nm3/h. The Group has also intervened in this direction by extending door-to-door separate waste collection services accompanied by communication, training and awareness campaigns on environmental protection, aimed at citizens with particular attention to the new generations. In particular, during 2021 in the territories of central Italy where door-to-door collection services have been activated, the companies belonging to the Paoletti Group recorded a percentage of separate collection of more than 70% compared to the national average referring to central Italy which stands at 59%. The Group is at the forefront in the application of new technologies applied to the collection and transport of waste to offer increasingly efficient and sustainable solutions in terms of timely detection of emptying and optimisation of routes.
(*) On 15 September 2015, the 193 governments of the UN member states signed an action plan for people, the environment, and prosperity called the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development which contains 17 macro-objectives that outline a path of sustainable development for people, companies, and the community, the so-called Sustainable Development Goals.
The Paoletti Group, aware of the need to constantly monitor the impact that its activities have in terms of social, economic, and environmental sustainability, has initiated a reflection that started primarily by tracing its already consolidated actions, the so-called “unconscious good actions” and then guiding in this direction also its own future strategic choices.
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